Webpages remain incomplete if some personal information about the host is missing.  However, I don’t consider myself a media celebrity that people would be interested in reading about me, so I feel that giving an introduction of myself has little point.

From my childhood, Indian Music and films have fascinated me. This may have been inherited from my Dad!  My vision as a school boy was of learning music and becoming a composer, but this has remained a dream.  Almighty Allah had planned a different profession for me and needless to say HE is the best of Planners. I am more thankful to HIM. 

My second dream of touring different countries has been fulfilled as the count has reached 30, so far.  However, my birth place Mwanza, has always been my favourite place and I am still a resident of my hometown.

In recent years, Dubai has become my second home, where I’ve had many hours of free time that enabled me to follow my passion of listening to Bollywood music.  Many of the songs brought back thousands of fond memories, particularly of old school friends who shared the same interest. In those days in the absence of TVs, Radio played an integral part in the entertainment world. We had different ‘camps’ arguing and debating about films and songs.  Our pocket money was mostly used up watching films and buying film magazines that were shared with each other.

This idea of having my own webpage would not have materialized had it not been for COVID and the lockdowns. I am sharing various bits of information from my memory, which would otherwise have remained with me. Also many thanks to Master Raihaan, my grandson, who has designed and created the webpage for me. 

Happy reading… and more articles to come,  Insha’Allah. 

A K Bagha.
26th January 2021.

Bismark Rock - Lake Victoria - Mwanza, Tanzania
Bismark Rock – Lake Victoria – Mwanza, Tanzania